Whistleblower Information of Mitsubishi Chemical Group EMEA ("MCG EMEA")
Within the European Union, the so-called Whistleblower Directive (EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law 2019/1937) ("Directive") applies and obliges public and private organisations as well as public authorities to establish safe whistleblowing channels. Furthermore, the local national laws of each EU Member State apply as an implementing act of the Directive.
I. Who can be a whistleblower?
Whistleblowers are persons who report or disclose information about violations. The personal scope of application is intended to be broad and includes all persons who have obtained information about violations in connection with their professional activities, in particular: • Employees, including those whose employment relationship has already ended, job applicants, trainees, temporary workers; • Self-employed persons providing services, freelancers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, business partners and their employees; • Shareholders and persons on governing bodies.
II. Which violations can be reported by whistleblowers?
The Directive provides protection for people who report breaches of EU law in certain areas - such as public procurement, financial services, product safety, transport safety, environmental protection, food, public health, consumer and data protection. Furthermore, national laws can define further areas of protection.
In addition, all regulations that address the implementation of European legal standards are covered.
These include:
• public procurement,
• financial services and combating money laundering and terrorist financing,
• product safety,
• road safety,
• environmental protection,
• nuclear safety,
• public health,
• food and feed safety, animal health and welfare,
• consumer protection,
• protection of privacy and personal data and security of network and information systems
• violations of EU competition rules,
• infringements to the detriment of the EU's financial interests and against corporate tax rules; and
• violations directed at obtaining a tax advantage contrary to the object or purpose of the applicable corporate law.
It is our company policy not only to investigate the above violations, but also to investigate and resolve any violations of applicable law and company policies without reservation.
III. What are the reporting channels?
If you would like to submit a report, our Safecall hotline is at your disposal. You can find the applicable hotline number on the Safecall poster. Here, anonymous and non-anonymous reports are possible. In both cases, these are not visible to us. Your report will be forwarded from the Safecall Portal to the EMEA Compliance Office for further processing.
You can also send your report directly to the EMEA Compliance Office at emea-ethics@mcgc.com.
Alternatively, country-specific Ethics Hotline numbers are available here.
You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 7 days and a final assessment on follow-up measures taken and their justification after 3 months at the latest.
In addition, you have the option of submitting your report to external reporting offices of the competent authorities.
Whichever way you choose, you can find out about the status of the procedure at any time. To do so, approach the EMEA Compliance Office or Safecall.
IV. Are Whistleblowers protected?
Whistleblower protection is guaranteed at MCG EMEA. In particular, MCG EMEA will ensure that you are protected from any reprisals.
V. Call
Take advantage of the opportunities to report violations to the EMEA Compliance Office. You will help ensure that MCG EMEA is a group that complies with existing laws and regulations at all times, is a good employer and does not damage the group's reputation.