Discover the other advantages of ALPOLIC™ composite panels:

Product Performance
The special composition of the core material in combination with our unique fusion process makes ALPOLICTM composite panels so superior.

Processing Performance
Significantly more precise routing and cutting with clean cut edges. Only one person required for edging even large panel formats.

Installation Performance
With ALPOLICTM you save up to 50 % on the substructure and installation time without compromising the stability of the façade!

Express Performance
Our high-quality composite panels are now available immediately from stock in selected formats and colours.

Fire protection performance
Only ALPOLICTM offers you the non-combustible aluminium composite panel ALPOLIC™NC/A1 with the highest fire protection class A1.

Sustainability Performance
Only ALPOLICTM offers you the non-combustible aluminium composite panel ALPOLIC™ NC/A1 with the highest fire protection class A1.